Do you remember the trips to Gardski's in Amarillo? If you were a little too young or have a fuzzy memory of the location they were in Wellington Square down from Mac Joe's. For those who worked there, you have the address, 1619 S Kentucky, ingrained in your memory. Just one of the things you had to learn.

Working there you also had a menu test. So you had to learn the whole menu. You had to know what veggies came on each salad. You needed to know which toppings were included on each burger. You had to learn the drink specials.

Anyone who had a drink at Gardski's became very familiar with the drink specials. They would plan their visits around their favorite drink being the special. Draft beers were the drink special on Wednesdays because that was the day that league sports, especially baseball, would head in after the games. At least that is what I was told.

Sunday's were made for Bloody Mary's for of course the remedy after a long Saturday night. When I first started at Gardski's the drinks were one dollar. By the time I left working there, they increased the price to $1.50. That was also after they decided to remodel, which I think was the death of the Amarillo Gardski's. They tried to make it fancier.

Oh, but the drink specials were magical. The beers and margaritas were served in schooners and not just a regular mug. This made for a challenge for a new server with a tray full of drinks.

Who Remembers the Daily Drink Specials at Gardski's?

If you were not one that scheduled your life around the daily drink specials at Gardski's you may not remember the greatness of each day:

  • Monday - margaritas (frozen or on the rocks)
  • Tuesday -  strawberry daiquiri
  • Wednesday - draft beer (Bud Lt or Coors Lt)
  • Thursday - fuzzy navel
  • Friday - amaretto sour
  • Saturday - cape cod
  • Sunday - Bloody Mary or screwdriver
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

The funny thing is that I remembered most of these drink specials even after almost thirty years. I only had to look at a drink menu for a couple just to make sure. How many did you remember?

The Punniest Santa Fe Restaurant Billboards

Santa Fe had some great billboards around Amarillo. They certainly caught your attention.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

Amarillo's Georgia Street and All It's Changes

The streets of Amarillo have changed a lot. Georgia Street used to be the place to buy a car. Now it has everything.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM