A small burger chain in Texas is seeing an increase in business and attention now that Donald Trump is back in the White House. Things are going so well for the chain, that they have even opened a new location.

Trump Burger is small chain with huge (say it like Trump would) plans. The burger joint is in no way associated with the President of the United States, but they are certainly fans of President Trump.

The owner, Roland Beainy, moved to the United States in 2019 from Lebanon where he was born and raised. According to FOX Business, Beainy credits Trump for peace in the Middle East and for being a "gentleman". Beainy opened the first Trump Burger in 2020 in Bellville. It was so popular that a second location was opened in Flatonia.

Each location of Trump burger is like a little Trump museum. Trump flags and Trump memorabilia is everywhere. The burger buns are also branded TRUMP.


Even More Expansion Coming For Trump Burger in Texas

According to Fortune, a Trump Burger will be opening in Houston soon and a fourth location, possibly near Galveston is in the works as well.

Fortune also reported that the original location has a 4-star rating meaning the food is pretty good and people enjoy going. And since some may feel the desire to rate it low due to the name, they have been able to overcome the politics of the name.

So will there be even more locations of Trump Burger in Texas? As long as the burgers remain good and the President remains well liked in Texas, I bet we will see more locations.

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