Whenever something in trending in Texas, many join in on the fun.

After all, it's sometimes fun to participate in said trend right? Sometimes it's a clothing trend, or a food trend. Or in today's topic, a video trend.

Thanks to the digital age we live in, trends can happen fast and frequent. You've seen it happen before right? Especially on Tik Tok, where you can end up seeing the same type of video again and again, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if the movement is fun.

But unfortunately, sometimes videos on the site are more harmful rather than helpful. Recently, one of the new fads is something you probably shouldn't even try due to the harm it could cause you.

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The New Trend, What It Is, And How It Can Cause Issues In Texas

It's called "Chroming." According to Dexerto, the premise is to breathe in a harmful substance, which in turn creates the sensation of the individual feeling like they drank alcohol. However, while the feeling may be good to some, whatever substance they breathe in could cause many health issues.

Dexerto reports that health issues such as seizures, choking, or heart attacks can potentially happen. More problems could surface if the individual continues to keep doing it.

Efforts are being made to stifle the trend, and Texas is definitely trying to make sure it doesn't grow:

Here's further information on how chroming affects the human body:

Be smart Texas! Doesn't need to be said, but don't do this!

ALERT: These Bell County, Texas Most Wanted For October 2023

Police in Bell County are always looking for criminals in the area. Have you seen these individuals?

Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise, Townsquare Media, Bell County, Bell County Crime Stoppers, Canva

Texas Most Wanted - Have You Seen Raul Herrera, Jr. Anywhere In The State?

Law enforcement in the state of Texas are once again asking for the public's assistance in finding this individual, Raul Herrera, Jr.

Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise, Townsquare Media, Texas DPS, Canva

You Can Help Bring A Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitive From San Antonio, Texas To Justice

It's been two years since anyone in the state of Texas has seen Steven Clay Leifeste. Last seen in 2021, he's been placed in the Texas Most Wanted Top Ten.

Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise, Townsquare Media, Texas DPS, Canva

Seven Scariest Sights In Texas

These are the 7 most haunted places to visit in Texas according to TravelTexas.com

Gallery Credit: Noah/Canva