Waitress Starts Internet Debate: Do You Stack??Waitress Starts Internet Debate: Do You Stack??Discover the 'Great Stacking Controversy' in restaurant etiquette and why it's causing a stir among diners! Are you team neat or team messy?GrizzGrizz
Louisiana Here's the Truth About Texas Roadhouse RollsLouisiana Here's the Truth About Texas Roadhouse RollsLouisiana is having a love affair with Texas Roadhouse rolls but are those tasty morsels hiding an inconvenient truth? They just might be. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Did You Know The First Texas Roadhouse Wasn’t Actually In Texas?Did You Know The First Texas Roadhouse Wasn’t Actually In Texas?For an eatery holding the name of the Lone Star State, the first location was here right? Not exactly.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Are Texas Roadhouse Rolls Free?Are Texas Roadhouse Rolls Free?Seven big changes happened with Texas Roadhouse in 2024 and one thing people are worried about is the rolls. Kelsee PitmanKelsee Pitman