Bishop Gorman Blows Away Brook Hill With Game’s First 43 Points
TYLER -- Brook Hill would love to get the first 17 minutes of Friday's TAPPS Division II, District II game back from Bishop Gorman. It played pretty well afterward.
As it was, the Crusaders hung six touchdowns on the Guard through a quarter and a half of action and comfortably retained a share of the league lead with a 63-32 win.
Gorman (3-3, 2-0), known for its prolific passing and two NCAA Division I receiver prospects in recent years, pounded away for 250 rushing yards on 37 carries. That accounted for 35 percent of its offense and more than half of its scores.
Running back Ethan Milton scored twice in the first quarter on short runs and added two more touchdowns in the second quarter as part of the 43-0 opening run. He scored a fifth time on the ground in the fourth quarter toward 145 yards.
Brook Hill (5-2, 1-2) finally got on the board in the final minute of the half. From there, however, it outscored Gorman 24-20.
Crusaders sophomore quarterback led the charge through the air with 379 passing yards. Senior receiver Judah Bell, a Navy commitment, caught nine passes for 246 yards and now has 1,237 yards in six games.
Alec Kitt, in his first start at quarterback, paced the Guard with three passing touchdowns and one scoring run.
Brook Hill will enjoy its open date this upcoming week. Gorman has a date with Dallas Christian, which is the only other undefeated team in the district standings.